vineri, 30 iunie 2017

Pros and Cons of Being a Trial Lawyer

Pointing out the pros and cons of being a trial lawyer is like pointing out the best and worst flavors at Baskin Robbins. There are so many choices and everybody has a favorite. Maybe you like peanut butter chocolate,...

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joi, 29 iunie 2017

Teaching a Class to Grow Your Business

'All I Really Need to Know I Learned Teaching a Law Class.' That's the title of a new book about the benefits of teaching a law class. It's a piece of fiction (because the book doesn't exit), but I...

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The Real Cost of Lateral Hires for Law Firms

Not every lateral hire will turn out to be a Jeffrey Wertkin. Akin Gump hired Wertkin away from the U.S. Justice Department because of his trial experience and knowledge about whistleblower cases. He was supposed to be a partner...

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miercuri, 28 iunie 2017

ABA Starts Legal Network to Aid Homeless Youth

According to reports, there are more children living on the streets of America than there are prisoners living in its prisons. Yet those 2.5 million homeless children, unlike criminal defendants, have no right to counsel for their legal predicaments....

via Strategist

marți, 27 iunie 2017

Court Deals With Hidden Biases in Jurors

It's one thing to release a juror who has an admitted bias, but what to do about a juror with a subconscious bias? We're not talking about the jurors who are actually biased. Let's face it, most prospective jurors...

via Strategist

The Rutter Group's Guide for Federal Civil Procedure: Updated and Still the Best

Experienced litigators know that federal civil lawsuits are all about procedure. Taking the wrong tack before trial can sink your ship before it even leaves the shore. Even if your client has the most compelling claim for compensation, a jury...

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luni, 26 iunie 2017

Stealing the Courtroom Show: Should You Sign Up for Theater Classes?

Melvin Belli, the legendary 'King of Torts' and sometimes Hollywood actor, was known for his courtroom theatrics. Belli appeared in television and movies during his storied career, and took some of his acting skills into the courtroom. Representing a...

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vineri, 23 iunie 2017

Should You Sue 'Judgment Proof' Defendants?

As with so many legal questions, the answer to whether to sue a judgment proof defendant is this: it depends. That's because, in part, there are lawyers on both sides of the issue. So if you are an attorney,...

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miercuri, 21 iunie 2017

Expand Your Immigration Practice, Learn Deportation Defense

One man's crisis is another man's opportunity. It's a harsh saying, but better than "one man's trash is another man's treasure" when it comes to immigration practice. At a time when America no longer raises a lamp to the...

via Strategist

Are Traditional Law Firms Going Extinct?

After seven years at one firm, an attorney realized it was time to move on. The reason: the firm's chief rainmaker was no longer bringing in business -- because he died. Soon after, the law firm expired as well....

via Strategist

marți, 20 iunie 2017

The Rooney Rule: Are Law Firms Punting on Diversity?

You don't have to be a football fanatic to know what it means to punt. If you know what the Rooney Rule is in football, however, you might know more about hiring in football than in the law. In...

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Bonus of Pro Bono: How Doing Good Can Benefit Your Firm

Providing pro bono legal services isn't always the easiest sell for attorneys. After all, you didn't sink that much time and money into law school just to give your time and expertise away for free, did you? And times are...

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luni, 19 iunie 2017

Xbox 360 Case Kills 'Death Knell' Strategy

If you were playing 'Call of Duty,' what would be the point of pausing the game right before taking a lethal hit? If your strategy was to come back later to try some new move, you were still going...

via Strategist

vineri, 16 iunie 2017

Classic, Plain-Language Writing Tips

The plain language movement in legal writing started in the 1970s, about the time Plymouth rolled out the hemi-powered Barracuda. And you know what they say about old cars? Some say they don't make them like they used to....

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joi, 15 iunie 2017

Justice Gap Widens: Low-Income Americans Face Battle for Legal Help

At the end of each day, Elinor's disabled daughter had to crawl four flights of stairs to their apartment. It took more than an hour to get in and out of her building to attend school. She spent 30...

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miercuri, 14 iunie 2017

When to Request Judicial Recusal?

If your judge wants to hold you in contempt, you might want to request judicial recusal. But if you haven't made the request before such an ominous turn of events, you have probably waited too long. Trying to toss...

via Strategist

Advising Clients on the Do's and Don'ts of Keeping an Injury Diary

It's an adage that some clients seem to know instinctively: put everything in writing. But before your personal injury client writes too much, sit down and discuss some of the do's and don'ts of keeping a diary. It's the...

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marți, 13 iunie 2017

Competition for Pricing Legal Fees Heats Up

Is it getting hot in here, or is it just the competition for pricing legal fees heating up? If you have started to sweat over the pressure to cut fees, you are not alone. Ninety-five percent of the lawyers...

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luni, 12 iunie 2017

Profitable Niche Markets for Lawyers

Willie Sutton, Jr., the quotable bank robber, explained his professional motivation the best. Asked by a reporter why he robbed banks, Sutton replied: "I rob banks because that's where the money is." Not saying that lawyers are like robbers,...

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joi, 8 iunie 2017

How to Determine Your Value, and Price Accordingly

It takes a conscience -- not a calculator -- to figure out the right hourly fee to charge clients. Years ago, I learned this lesson in a divorce case. I charged the going hourly rate for my services, although...

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Which States Have the Most DUI Arrests, Fatalities?

No place is safe with drunk drivers on the road, but statistics show that some places are more dangerous than others. According to a study by, the world's best place to compare car insurance, nearly 29 million admitted...

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miercuri, 7 iunie 2017

When Should a Solo Lawyer Outsource Work?

If you are thinking about whether to outsource legal work, it's about time. A solo practitioner cannot do it all alone, despite what My Cousin Vinny said. You need at least two yutes. In other words, it's never too...

via Strategist

Do Law Firms Need On-Site Therapists for Lawyers' Mental Health?

'When did you first start fantasizing about becoming a wealthy BigLaw partner?' the therapist asks. Alright, it's a fantasy but is it a malady? According to reports, it is at least part of a serious problem at large law...

via Strategist

marți, 6 iunie 2017

Immigrants Facing Deportation Offered Free Legal Help in San Francisco

Miguel, being held in a detention center because of a criminal conviction, was stumbling through a deportation hearing. He didn't speak English well, he didn't have a lawyer, and the prosecutor wanted him deported immediately. The judge was threatening,...

via Strategist

Report: Landing Estate Planning Clients Takes Patience, Trust

If you're a solo practitioner or small firm that specializes in estate planning, you may have already sensed it intuitively, but a new report from FindLaw's Lawyer Marketing can back up your intuition with numbers: estate planning consumers can be...

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luni, 5 iunie 2017

Are Uber-Like Law Practices Coming or Going?

A few years ago, it seemed like Uber was a business model for success. Today, not so much. But the idea of the Uber-like law practice still persists. Like, wouldn't it be great if you could pick up a...

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vineri, 2 iunie 2017

Social Media-Related Litigation Surges, Lawyers Report

Most lawyers say that lawsuits involving social media and mobile devices are increasing, according to a new survey. Based on 200 telephone interviews with lawyers from the largest law firms and companies in the United States, the Robert Half...

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joi, 1 iunie 2017

Sleep-Deprived Lawyers Get Ready: Law Firm Adds Napping Pods

Lawyers, please don't confuse napping with nodding off. Nodding off happens when you've been working long hours and you just can't keep your eyes open -- like weary associates grinding through discovery. Napping happens when you take a break...

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