vineri, 28 septembrie 2018

The PhD and the Nominee: Evaluating the Credibility of Witnesses

If the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing taught lawyers anything, it is how hard it is to judge the credibility of witnesses. For witnesses Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, a prosecutor was appointed to do the questioning. Rachel Mitchell, who...

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joi, 27 septembrie 2018

How to Sell a Law Practice in 30 Minutes

If you didn't know it already, you can't sell a law practice in less than 30 minutes. But if you take the time to read this blog and listen to the podcast linked below, you will know how to do it.

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How to Protect Your Client's Moon Dust

Recently, a lawsuit filed by an individual in possession of literal moon dust against NASA started heating up. The case was filed by Laura Cicco, who claims to have a vial of moon dust that was given to her...

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DOJ Unveils the Justice Manual

The Justice Manual is the updated version of the DOJ's former United States Attorney Manual, which basically lays out the D.O.J.'s policies that the department's lawyers must abide by.

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miercuri, 26 septembrie 2018

How to Future-Proof Your Law Career

One proof-positive thing about the future: it will come. And when it does, will you still have a job? Or will the future take back the career you worked so hard to create for yourself? If you aren't sure...

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Lunch Breaks Improve Everything

Taking a lunch break might not be the miracle elixir cure-all to what ails you about work, but it can surely help improve productivity and job satisfaction. At least, that's what the scientists are saying. According to recently published...

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marți, 25 septembrie 2018

Texas Judge: Court Must Consider Defendant's Ability to Pay Bail

In Texas, a federal judge ruled that setting bail without considering a defendant's ability to pay violates equal protection. It was a good ruling for the defendants, but also yesterday's news. Half a dozen states have all but ended...

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Best Opinion Opening Ever?

Recently, thanks to the wonder that is legal Twitter, a whopper of an opening to a federal district court's opinion was brought to our attention. Over and over again. The epically amazing opening rather clearly alludes to the 90s...

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luni, 24 septembrie 2018

Does Your Law Firm Need an 'Infant on Board' Program?

A Baby on Board sign outside a law firm does not mean rookie lawyers are inside. Read more on FindLaw Legal Blogs.

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Utah Retainers Can Require Client Indemnification

You know that anxious feeling you get when you tell your client exactly what they shouldn't do, knowing full well that they aren't going to listen to you? Well, if you practice in Utah, a recent Utah State Bar...

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vineri, 21 septembrie 2018

ABA Has New Ethics Opinion on Disasters

Clients may not think about their lawyers in a natural disaster, but their lawyers should think about them. That's the upshot of new guidelines from the American Bar Association. The ABA released an ethics opinion on how attorneys should...

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joi, 20 septembrie 2018

What to Do When Your Client Says You Are Not His Lawyer, but You Are

Wait, what? Your client just said you are not his attorney, but actually you are. You are not dreaming; this is as real as it gets. Clients, like life, will throw you a curve ball. So how are you...

via Strategist

New Limits for Immigration Judges to Dismiss Cases

It's no secret for immigration practitioners that the current administration isn't simply exerting pressure on the immigration courts and system. It's tying hands and caging children, physically and metaphorically. Most recently, Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued an opinion limiting...

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Has the Internet Changed the Reasonable Person Standard?

In these modern times of wearable tech and 3D printed doodads, a reasonable person usually doesn't act before Googling, and a reasonably prudent person never acts without Googling twice. The world might as well update the age-old idiom to:...

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miercuri, 19 septembrie 2018

The End of PACER Fees?

A new bill proposes to eliminate PACER fees, making electronic documents downloaded from federal courts free. The Electronic Court Records Reform Act would prohibit courts from charging for downloads, which currently cost as much as 10 cents a page. The...

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Best Background Music for a Law Office

You know that feeling of comfort that envelopes you when you walk into a spa? The smells, the music, the receptionist's relaxing tone of voice, it's all part of the ambiance and it matters. Though law offices may not...

via Strategist

marți, 18 septembrie 2018

Judge Doubles Down on Contempt for Half-Asked Production

Tim Eyman apparently didn't hear the judge the first time. Judge James Dixon ordered him to produce financial records in a lawsuit that accuses Eyman of using campaign donations for personal use. The judge also fined him $500 a...

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How to Market Your Firm With Social Media Videos

Social video is a no-brainer: consumers want it, and it works better than anything else.

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luni, 17 septembrie 2018

This Is What Leadership Looks Like: BigLaw Partner Leaves to Start Diversity Institute

It's easy to see why Hilarie Bass is a world-class leader. She had a stellar career at Greenberg Traurig, where she chaired the international firm's 600-member litigation department for eight years. As immediate past-president of the American Bar Association,...

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3 Tips to Finding Your Work-Life Balance

One of the biggest issues new lawyers discover is that the demands of the job are very real and don't end when the office closes. It's a difficult transition from law student/post-bar exam purgatory to full-fledged lawyer. But the...

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vineri, 14 septembrie 2018

It's Never Too Early to Prep for the Holiday Season for Lawyers

When it comes to planning vacations and holiday events and marketing, it is never too early to start. If you really want to do something spectacular for yourself or your office this year, you need to get your act...

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joi, 13 septembrie 2018

Law Firms Shamed for 'Discovery Gamesmanship'

A $500 discovery sanction will not break any lawyer's bank. But a sanction for "discovery gamesmanship" will put any law firm on the walk of shame. That's what happened recently to law firms in a federal case. Baker Donelson...

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Families Separated at Border File Lawsuit

Last week, it was announced that two of the families that were separated at the border while crossing without documentation have filed a lawsuit against various government officials, seeking to hold somebody responsible for the illegal, and traumatic, experience...

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miercuri, 12 septembrie 2018

How to Deal With Delusional or Dangerous Litigants

Sooner or later, crazy people will walk in your door. It could be a good thing if you get them professional help. You'll know when they need a doctor, not a lawyer. But if you have a delusional client...

via Strategist

marți, 11 septembrie 2018

Will Your Firm Take the ABA Pledge for Lawyer Well-Being?

The American Bar Association Working Group to Advance Well-Being in the Legal Profession has created a pledge for law firms to commit to in order to help ensure lawyers can take care of their mental well-being and are not...

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5 Best Out-Of-Office Email Responses

There are few feelings in life better than walking out of the office before a vacation. When it comes to good work-feels, it's really only behind receiving and depositing checks. And following closely behind walking out that door, the...

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luni, 10 septembrie 2018

Comic-Con Case Nets $4M Attorney's Fees in 20K Case

Comic-Con won a trademark lawsuit over its name, but winning another $4 million for attorney's fees in the case is no laughing matter. It's more of a "you've got to be kidding me" thing, especially to the defendants who...

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New Law on Pro Bono for Domestic Violence Victims

You know that little voice inside that tells you to do pro bono work? Oh, you don't hear that voice? Then listen to this: a new law says federal courts must promote pro bono legal services for domestic violence...

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vineri, 7 septembrie 2018

3 Tips to Elicit Sympathy From a Jury

When it comes to winning, one of the most important parts of any case, especially for lawyers on a contingency, or defending cases of clear liability, is damages. There's no denying that the more sympathy you can get from...

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Two Keys to Best Practices for Client Intake

Client intake is like air intake for your car. If your car doesn't have air coming into the engine, you are not going anywhere. The air intake brings a fresh, life-giving resource that you need to go. That's how...

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joi, 6 septembrie 2018

If You Have a Conflict, Tell Your Client

For most lawyers, there's an easy bright-line rule to remember: If you have a conflict of interest, tell your client about it. If you plan to continue to represent a client after a conflict has been disclosed, you better...

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miercuri, 5 septembrie 2018

Top 5 Deadliest Practice Areas for Lawyers

Law practice is dangerous. It's one of the things they don't teach you in law school, but becomes clear as you learn about more and more lawyers dying. We're not talking about age-related, or disease-dictated death. We're talking about...

via Strategist

marți, 4 septembrie 2018

When Lawyers Need a Lawyer: Divorce, Discipline, Crime

While nearly all lawyers will, at some point or another, consider representing themselves in some legal matter, it's often a bad idea. Perhaps the worst areas a lawyer can elect to self-represent include attorney discipline, personal family law matters,...

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How to Handle the Expert 'Money' Question at Trial

You need experts to prove cases. It's just a fact. If you're going to litigate, you're probably going to need an expert, at least when it gets to damages, if not on liability too. However, when there's a battle...

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