luni, 11 august 2014

Vlek et al.: Building Bayesian networks for legal evidence with narratives: A case study evaluation

Charlotte S. Vlek , Henry Prakken , Silja Renooij , and Bart Verheij , have published Building Bayesian networks for legal evidence with narratives: a case study evaluation , forthcoming in Artificial Intelligence and Law .

Here is the abstract:

In a criminal trial, evidence is used to draw conclusions about what happened concerning a supposed crime. Traditionally, the three main approaches to modeling reasoning with evidence are argumentative, narrative and probabilistic approaches. Integrating these three approaches could arguably enhance the communication between an expert and a judge or jury. In previous work, techniques were proposed to represent narratives in a Bayesian network and to use narratives as a basis for systematizing the construction of a Bayesian network for a legal case. In this paper, these techniques are combined to form a design method for constructing a Bayesian network based on narratives. This design method is evaluated by means of an extensive case study concerning the notorious Dutch case of the Anjum murders.

Filed under: Applications, Case studies, Methodology, Research findings Tagged: Artificial intelligence and law, Bart Verheij, Bayesian methods in legal informatics, Bayesian networks and legal evidential reasoning, Bayesian networks and legal evidentiary reasoning, Bayesian statistical methods in legal informatics, Charlotte S. Vlek, Charlotte Vlek, Henry Prakken, Legal evidence information systems, Legal evidential reasoning, Legal evidentiary reasoning, Legal narrative, Modeling legal evidential reasoning, Modeling legal evidentiary reasoning, Modeling legal reasoning, Narrative and legal evidence, Narrative and legal evidential reasoning, Narrative and legal evidentiary reasoning, Silja Renooij, Statistical methods in legal informatics

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